Project Meir

Education , Retail

At the Via Sinjoor, Project Meir is created at an urban pivot point between the Central Station and the Schelde.

Construction date





43.000 m²


KdG & Meir Corner


Evert Crols, Juanjo Cubi Hernandez, Vincent De Keyser, Dirk Engelen, Sven Grooten, Harout Haleblian, Inês Lourenço, Deborah Mortelmans, Ton Padullés, Bouchra Sadallah, Inge Stevens, Pieter Van Den Berge, Evelien van de Riet, Pauline Van de Velde, Kristiaan Van Weert

In collaboration with

TV Binst Architects & VK engineering, aNNo architecten


This multifunctional project has an important leverage function in addition to its social role in the revaluation of the Meir as the shopping heart of Antwerp and Flanders. Project Meir is an iconic project: on the one hand, it fits into an urban development block in the spirit of the Grand Magasins. On the other, it fits architecturally as a contemporary translation of the historical architectural language of the context, referring to the 19th century rich and flamboyant buildings of the Meir.

The new interpretation of the site consists of a retail program (approx. 15,500 m²) on the lower floors and a new education campus (approx. 29,500 m²) for Karel de Grote Hogeschool on the higher floors. The project is located in the historic city center of Antwerp and will be an example of sustainable re-use. That is why, in the design of the new project, special attention is given to the heritage value of three existing inventory buildings to be preserved and why they are integrated with the greatest care in this exceptional total project.

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